
Enrich is a Christian chaplaincy service for people with intellectual disabilities.
We seek to assist in meeting spiritual, emotional and social needs by providing support including:

• Pastoral care of people with intellectual disabilities, their support staff and families.

• Especially adapted church services in various venues across the city.
• Being there in times of crisis, sickness, death and grief.

• Officiating for funeral services to celebrate the life of a person with intellectual disability.

• Supporting the running of annual Balls & Dances.  Providing social events and celebrations.

Christian Church Services Especially Suited to People with Intellectual Disabilities:

The Chapel of The Holy Family 

A friendly and fun service for all.

Every Sunday at 11 – 11.40 a.m.

With a cuppa & biscuits in the lounge to follow the service.

At The Chapel of The Holy Family –  225 Kirk Rd, Templeton.

Contact: Gabrielle Hall 027 362 0782,


 Alpha Church – Starting Soon!

An interactive, visual and fun church, celebrating faith & life.

When:  The first and third Thursday of each month 7:00-9pm with a mid-winter and summer break.

Parklands – Aroha Fellowship – 


A fun. social, Bible based service with music, song & prayer – followed by afternoon tea.

Where: Parklands Baptist Church.

When: Generally first Saturday of each month unless a public holiday in which case it is the second Sunday. Gather at 1.15pm. Service starts at 1.30pm

Please bring finger food to share (try to bring it on a throw-away plate).

Contact:   Denis Gilmore 027 384 4019

Rangiora Baptist – Freedom Worship Service

Dance, singing, stories, dramas and fun with God!  Plus a light tea for $2.

When: The second Friday of every month 7pm.

Where: Rangiora Baptist Church, 111 East Belt.

Contact:  Paula Thackwell, 03-313-8989.